You may notice some new names on the schedule as we restructure for Erica’s absence as she is on bed rest until further notice. Luckily she will be building programs from home to be implemented by her fabulous helpers. Next week’s appointment and class schedule will be up by the end of the weekend, though some has already been posted. Yoga and Dance will be taught by Shirley on going, so come check out her classes. We also welcome Holly who will be teaching some of our wellness program classes as well as working with clients. And as well, a lot of you already know Sara and Tracy. If you have any questions regarding scheduling or accounts Trena is your go to as Erica’s admin assistant.
Don’t forget to book yourself into classes to reserve your spot a head of time.
We will be posting bios in the about us page in the next few days.
For updates please check our website and facebook pages regularly.