Happy New Years to all of you!
A new year is here and new intentions have been set. Many times we know what we’d like to acheive, yet we don’t always know where or how to begin.
Is it a new fitness regime that you are seeking? Or would you like to focus a little more on nutrition? Perhaps you’re interested in giving more attention to your spirit. Whatever it may be, give us a ring and we can guide you in the direction you wish.
From Personal Training, Rehabilitation, Nutritional Councelling, Excercise Therapy, Energy Healing and Fitness Classes which include Yoga, Stability & Strength, Stretch & Relaxation, and Dance. Let us design a programme that is personalized to you and your desired outcome.
If you haven’t been by the studio yet then pop so we can show you what we offer. It is a bright, clean and calm space suited for your personal growth.
Click on the link below to get to know us better! If you are curious about anything at all, please give us a ring at the studio or contact us on line. We look forward to connecting with you this year and assisting you in building the lifestyle you desire!
Namaste and all the best in your 2012!