Good day, good day!
It’s the first day of our the 21 Day Meditation provided by the fabulous Chopra Centre in Carlsbad, California.
How was it for you? Have you taken the opportunity yet today? I must say, for myself, it was a fond rememberence of a wonderful feeling. Life is what it is and sometimes our well meaning intentions fall by the way side. Be it a fitness regime, a new way of eating or in this case, a daily meditation practice. We start with gusto and then our ‘new way’ loses the wind in it’s sail. But this is where we can’t be hard on ourselves. Simply must simply dust ourselves off and get back on that horse!
This is what this is also doing for me. I incorporated a daily meditation practice into my life this summer after having the good fortune to attend Seduction to Spirit in Whistler hosted by Deepak himself. After a week intensive, there is no denial about the benefits of a daily meditation practice. I would have to say it was a transformational experience. As the months carried on, as dedicated as I tried to be, the time between meditations grew a little longer. But all is not lost!
When an opportunity like this comes along, you jump on it. So I have… and I wanted to share it with you. My hopes are that if you have never had a meditation practice, that this is a nice appetizer to what it offers your spirit. For those of you who do have a meditation practice, this can be a nice addition to it for the next 3 weeks.
It will address 3 questions in what Deepak calls your Soul Profile. They are Who Am I? followed by What Do I Want? and finishing with What Is My Dharma (Purpose). From experience, things really are different at the end of those 3 weeks.
So if you haven’t had the opportunity already today, don’t forget to take the time by the end of your day. Connect to the Chopra Centre and sign up. You may do so as well on Facebook.
Sign up here….
We will reconnect tomorrow just to see how you are doing.
Happy Meditating!!