Awareness: the power of words

Someone just sent me this quote and I wanted to share it with you because it rings true to me:

Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

We are a product of what we eat, what we think and what we feel. Revisiting awareness, what it its purpose; to bring attention to the bigger picture in our daily lives to better understand ourselves and thus make choices in life that reflect who we truly are. I had a teacher that once said awareness is enlightenment. Enlightenment only makes you more truly who you are. Imagine regular consciousness to be a flashlight in a dark theater, enlightenment would be turning on all the lights, it does not change the nature of the space, only your perception and understanding of it.


Awareness: Hunger vs. craving

Awareness is crucial to understanding ourselves; body, mind, and spirit. If we know and can identify what we feel in our bodies not only can we use it as a tool to support change, but also develop a and internal barometer to help us navigate through life. For example; Initially you becoming aware of a pain in your knee, after some time you realize there is a pattern to the level of pain and life’s activities. You take steps to neutralize the pain though physical therapies and may or may not see improvements. Now lets say you do not see improvements after a period of treatment; perhaps there is more to the knee pain than the physical symptoms would suggest. It may be that you experience knee pain when you have decision to make about life’s direction. Because we do not live in a vacuum, it is most likely to be a combination of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual matters.

I realize this is heavy stuff, and the big picture can be overwhelming.  So for today and the week to come I will discuss awareness, and provide exercises   in bringing it into our lives.

For today we will start with the physical and since resolutions are still the topic ‘du jour’, I wanted to give you some exercises that would not only be useful in address big picture issue, but also helping you to continuing to do good work and maintain your resolitions.

Today let’s look at hunger versus craving and lack of energy versus fatigue. The difference between hunger; my stomach is growling time for some tasty food, and a craving; I want some potato chips, or cookies as it may be, is that hunger arises to fill a physiological need, whereas a craving typically arises out of an emotional need, usually stress. The next time you feel yourself wanting to eat examine where those urges are coming from and bring awareness to your food choices. You will find by bring your attention to the difference you are likely to make healthier food choices.

Tomorrow; lack if energy vs. fatigue.


Power of language

As some of you may already know I have been perusing the web to find great personal training quote to share and inspire you all as you sweat  away. In the procress I found a variety of ‘common sayings’ which personal trainers use; and to my amusement I have also occasionally thrown some of them out there. Here is a sample:

The proverbial “we”, as in we are going to do……

This is going to be fun!

Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Can’t means won’t, and won’t means push-ups.  (I may start using this one)

The interesting thing was that it brought my attention to the phrases I use the most during my sessions, and I realized my catch phrase if you will would be “oh, this is one of my favorite exercises”, which really struck home the fact that I love to move, and be active. This lead me to examine my catch phrases in other areas of my life, and the language I use to speak to myself. I found that sometimes I was really negative when it came to talking to me and the way I perceived my world. All this to say, your reoccurring thoughts give you insight into how you really are and how you really feel. be careful what you tell yourself because it will become your reality if you say it to yourself enough. If you find your self saying I am tired, all of the time, you will become tired. So the next time you go to say or think to yourself negatively, STOP yourself, and choose your language carefully. Through language we define our perceptions, and our perceptions are how we experience the world.


Relapse: Returning to older behaviors, learning opportunities, transcendence

Along the way to permanent cessation or stable reduction of a bad habit, most people experience relapse. In fact, it is much more common to have at least one relapse than not. Relapse is often accompanied by feelings of discouragement and seeing oneself as a failure. While relapse can be discouraging, the majority of people who successfully quit do not follow a straight path to a life time free of self-destructive bad habits. Rather, they cycle through the five stages several times before achieving a stable life style change. Consequently, the Stages of Change Model considers relapse to be normal.

There is a real risk that people who relapse will experience an immediate sense of failure that can seriously undermine their self-confidence. The important thing is that if they do slip not to give up and fall back on the unhealthy habits. Rather, they should analyze how the slip happened and use it as an opportunity to learn how to cope differently. In fact, relapses can be important opportunities for learning and becoming stronger.

Relapsing is like falling off a horse the best thing you can do is get right back on again. However, if you do relapse, it is important that you do not fall back to the precontemplation or contemplation stages. Rather, restart the process again at preparation, action or even the maintenance stages. People who have relapsed may need to learn to anticipate high-risk situations and  more effectively, control  and navigate environmental cues that tempt them to engage in their bad habits . It is important to learn how to handle unexpected episodes of stress without returning to the bad habit. This gives them a stronger sense of self control and the ability to get back on track.

If you have relapsed here are some questions to ask yourself:


  • What factors were involved in your setback?
  • How can you prevent self sabotage?
  • What did you find encouraging at the onset of your initial change?
  • Do you have a support network to turn to when the going gets tough?
  • What strategies can you devise to support your new habits?
  • What is the next step in your action plan?
  • What did you do to reward yourself with for your small victories and accomplishments?
  • What did you learn from this experience?


That covers all the stages of change model, however there is another stage which is not formally part of the model which needs to be mentioned. It is sometimes called transcendence. This is when we have been in the maintenance stage for a prolonged period of time and the unhealthy behaviours are far and well behind us. It is as this point that we can have successfully completed a lifestyle change. Transcendence is change at its best, it is actual transformation.


Action/Willpower: Changing behavior

This is the stage where people believe they have the ability to change their behavior and are actively involved in taking steps to change their bad behavior by using a variety of different techniques. This is the shortest of all the stages. The amount of time people spend in action varies. It generally lasts about 6 months, but it can literally be as short as one hour! This is a stage when people most depend on their own willpower. They are making overt efforts to quit or change the behavior and are at greatest risk for relapse.

Mentally, they review their commitment to themselves and develop plans to deal with both personal and external pressures that may lead to slips. They may use short-term rewards to sustain their motivation, and analyze their behavior change efforts in a way that enhances their self-confidence. People in this stage also tend to be open to receiving help and are also likely to seek support from others which is a a very important element. Hopefully, if the are successful in this stage they move to maintenance. More on that tomorrow!


Contemplation: Acknowledging that there is a problem but not yet ready or sure of wanting to make a change

In the contemplation stage people are more aware of the personal consequences of their bad habit and they spend time thinking about their problem. Although they are able to consider the possibility of changing, they tend to be ambivalent about it. In this stage, people are  on a teeter-totter, weighing the pros and cons of quitting or modifying their behavior. Although they think about the negative aspects of their bad habit and the positives associated with giving it up (or reducing), they may doubt that the long-term benefits associated with quitting will outweigh the short-term costs. It might take as little as a couple weeks or as long as a lifetime to get through the contemplation stage.

If you find yourself in the contemplation stage it may be helpful to write out a balance sheet with pros and cons, thus allowing you to see cost/ benefit balance and giving you an accurate idea of where you stand in terms of moving to the the next stage of change.


Precontemplation; not yet acknowledging that there is a problem behavior that needs to be changed

In the precontemplation stage, people are not thinking seriously about changing and are not interested in any kind of help. People in this stage tend to defend their current bad habit(s) and do not feel it is a problem. They may be defensive in the face of other people’s efforts to pressure them to quit. They do not focus their attention on quitting and tend not to discuss their bad habit with others. At this stage people just do not yet see themselves as having a problem.

Are you in the precontemplation stage? No, because the fact that you are reading this shows that you are already ready to consider that you may have a problem with one or more bad habits. If you know someone in the precontemplation stage it will take patience; unless a person is willing to acknowledge their bad habits then spend your energy somewhere else; perhaps setting an example yourself by initiating healthier habits and hopefully your changes will inspire other to begin thinking about changing.


Did you get active today? Here is a little inspiration….

Today was my first day back at Club Flex teaching classes and there was a moderate turn out, congrats to getting out there. I was also happy to see some of you working on your programs, you deserve a pat on the back too. Are you psyched for the new year, a new opportunity to surprise yourself with how much you can lift? how far you can run? how many burpees you can do?

I have a client who had just injured her leg, the first day of the new year, which will seriously affect her program and the time line for her goals. She is a huge inspiration to me because as opposed to getting upset and giving up (which would be the easy thing to do) she will push through and keep training what she can, and look at it as a great opportunity versus a setback.

If we can tap into ourselves and find that fighting spirit to inspire us to keep going no matter what obstacles big or small that stand in our way, anything is possible. You can and will create your best life, so what motivates and inspires you?



Energy Balance and its importance in training

When training it is imporatnt to make sure you are eating nough calories and geting enough nutrient to supoort physiological adapation, even if you are trying to loose weight. Here is an exerpt from a postistion statement compiled by: American College of Sports Medicine: Nancy R. Rodriguez (University of Connecticut); American Dietetic Association: Nancy M. DiMarco (Texas Woman’s University); Dietitians of Canada: Susie Langley

Energy balance occurs when energy intake (the sum of energy from foods, fluids, and supplement products) equals energy expenditure (sum of energy expended as basal metabolic rate, the thermic effect of food, the thermic effect of activity, which is the energy expended in planned physical activity, and non-exercise activity thermogenesis).

Energy expenditure for different types of exercise is dependent on the duration, frequency, and intensity of the exercise, the sex of the athlete, and prior nutritional status in addition to heredity, age, body size, and fat free mass. The more energy used in activity, the more calories needed to achieve energy balance.

Inadequate energy intake compromises performance and negates the benefits of training. With limited energy intake, fat and lean tissue will be used for fuel by the body resulting in a loss of lean tissue. The concern here is that loss of strength and endurance, as well as compromised immune, endocrine, and musculoskeletal function can result.


My Inspiration

I find I look to people I admire most for inspiration on how I choose to live my life. This is my Grandmother, she will be 96 years old this month. She has a zest for life that is unparalleled; she lives independently in her own condo and maintains a healthy lifestyle. She walks 2 kilometers a day, rain, shine or snow. When I say snow I mean SNOW since she live in Ottawa. She has always walked, as long as I can remember.


Granted there is a genetic component, most of my relatives have live to be a 100, regardless she is tenacious in maintaing her physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual fortitude. What most inspires me is if she can still do this daily after all that she has seen and been through then who am I not to give life my all.