exercise of the week: alternating dumbbell pullover

Muscled worked: Latissimus Dorsi

Purpose: Strengthen and Stabilize

Form: Begin by lying on a stability ball, resting your head and back on the ball. With dumbbells in each hand, extend both arms directly over your head (Note: The elbows can be slightly bent, but they must stay locked into position). Slowly lower one dumbbell backward until it is parallel to the floor. The dumbbell in the opposite hand should be lowered forward toward the thigh. Perform the movement of both arms simultaneously in a repeated fashion.

Keep core activated, Ribs to hips, and keep the movement slow and controlled.

exercise of the week: split squats with bench

Purpose: Strengthen and Stabilize

Muscles Worked: Quads, Gluteus, Hamstrings, and Core

Form: Place one foot on a weight bench. Ensure your legs are hip width apart. Your front leg should be about 3 feet away from the bench. Place your hands on your hips. Slowly squat down until your knee is bent about 90 degrees. Be sure to keep your upper body straight as you squat with your ribs to hips and abs contracted. Return to the starting point.

Perform for several repetitions, then repeat the exercise on the opposite leg.

exercise of the week: sumo squat

Muscles worked: gluteus, quads, hamstrings,and inner thighs, and calves.

Purpose: strengthen

Form: stand with the feet beyond shoulder width apart. The wide stance forces the inner thigh muscles to work harder. The toes should be turned out. Hold the medicine ball(optional) in front of the body or hands on the hips. Squat down until the legs are parallel. A partial movement (e.g. half way down) is okay for those with limited mobility. Be sure to keep the back straight and head up. Exhale as you stand up. Keep your hips tucked under, core activated, and ribs to hips.

Be sure to not allow your knees to extend beyond the toes during the course of the lift. This exercise can be performed with or without weighted resistance.

Exercise of the week: Ab Crunch With Bilateral Reach

Muscles worked: Abdominals and Obliques

Purpose: Strengthen and stabilize

Form: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place feet flat on the floor. Grasp the ball with both hands. Contract/crunch your abdomen by rolling your upper torso forward. At the same time, reach with the ball (arms fully extended) toward the side of the RIGHT knee. Exhale as you reach with the ball. Return to the starting position, repeat to the side of the LEFT knee. Alternate each side.

Special considerations: To really get the most out of this exercise, try to hold the ball near the knee for a second or two, then return to the starting position.

Exercise of the Week: Kick Crosses with Resistance Bands

Muscles Worked: Adductors

Form: Using the wall or chair for balance, stand on your outside foot with your knee slightly bent. Then with your foot flexed and toes pointed slightly outward, raise your inside foot slightly off the ground. Cross your leg in front of your body, leading with the heel. Repeat on both sides.

-Using an ankle band is recommended. Secure resistance bands around your ankle.

Supine Bridge with one leg

Muscles worked: Ab’s, Gluteus, hamstrings, quads, back stabilizers

Purpose: Strength and stability

Form: Lying on your back, with one knee bent, extend your opposite knee. The heel of the extended leg should be about 2 or 3 feet above the floor. Place your arms by your sides, palms down. Using only one leg, raise your hips off the floor as high as you can. Briefly hold the position, then slowly lower your hips & repeat with each leg.

Special conditions: your head should remain on the floor at all times.


Exercise of the week: Thera-band shoulder flexion

Muscles Worked:  Deltoids, Pectorals, Traps

Purpose: Strength and Stability

Form: Standing in the middle of the theraband, grasp the ends of the band in one hand. Lift you arm upward in front of your body to shoulder level. keep elbow straight and thumb facing upward. Hold and slowly lower, and repeat. Complete exercise on both arms.

Feb.20.2012… 21 Day meditation challenge is back!

In memory of the passing of Dr. David Simon, Deepak Choprah’s partner in the teaching of limitless possibilities, the Chopra Centre of California is launching a 21 Day Meditation Challenge called the Mind-Body Odyssey.

I had definately shed a tear or a couple more when I had learned of his passing. His presence at a conference I was at was tangible even though his brain tumor only allowed him to be present via sattelite.

He was the pioneer in discovering the mind-body-Heart connection. Deepak and him had worked together for over 20 years and have given birth to many programs, seminars, at the Chopra Centre, written many books and have presented around the world.

His mind was genius and he had a connection to the Universe that was visible.

Here are a few lines from one of his favorite poems by Hafiz.

The Sun Never Says

all this time
the sun never says to the earth,
“You owe me.”
what happens
with a love like that —
It lights the whole world.

So sign on to the Chopra Centre via email or facebook and join a sea of people who will do the meditation challenge to improve the practice in their lives, but will do it in rememberance of Dr. David Simon.

See you in the Gap!