Exercise of the Week

Russian Twist Supine (Ball)

Muscles Worked: Upper Body and Core

Purpose: Strengthen and Stabilize

Form: Assume bridge position on exercise ball, hold arms straight out; hands clasped.

Rotate arms and shoulders as far to one side as you can, rolling onto the shoulder.

Now roatate arms and shoulders as far to the opposite side, rolling onto the other shoulder.



Exercise of the Week

Four Point Lower Fiber Traps with Activation Ball

Muscles worked: Core and Upper Body

Purpose: Strength

Form: Start on all fours on an exercise ball

Pull shoulder blades back and down

At the same time, lift both arms straight out in front

Return to the start position in a controlled manner

exercise of the week: truck jumps

Muscles Worked: Legs

Purpose: Agility

Form: Satnd with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Bend knees and powerfully jump straight up bringing your knees towards your chest while mid air. grasp knees quickly and release in time to land. repeat immediately after landing.

*You can do this one out in the lovely sun.. Enjoy!

exercise of the week: mountain climbers

Muscles worked: lower body

Purpose: speed and agility

Form: You begin a mountain climber similar to a push-up. Your hands and arms are on the ground, about shoulder width apart. One leg is bent, tucked under your torso while the other leg remains straight and behind your body (a.k.a. runner’s lunge position). Keep your head in line with your torso and your abdominals contracted throughout the exercise. Begin the mountain climber by quickly alternating legs and continuing the movement for several seconds. The aim is to bring your knees in toward your chest as you perform the alternating “climber” motion.