Bringing in a new year …welcome 2012!

This is the last weekday of this year.  And it’s a Friday, so we are heading into the last weekend of the year!

Yesterday was about looking back with an attitude of gratitude on all that had transpired over the last year.  Today, let us take a look at bringing in a new year, 2012.

A new year is about fresh starts and new beginnings.  ‘Out with the old and in with the new!”  We’ve all gone through making resolutions and watching some of them blow away in the wind.  Well, what if we looked at those resolutions in a different light.  What if instead of making resolutions we set intentions.  I find that setting an intention has much more power behind it and it has been shown that intentions have a greater tendancy to manifest.

Also, go into your new year as if you have already achieved your intentions.  Be prepared for those things that you wish to see happen and you will roll into the new year with open arms!

It all comes down to belief and the power it holds.  Looking back on life, I do know that I did achieve all things that I ‘knew’ would happen.

“And what if I ‘fall off the wagon?” you may ask.  The beauty of it is, is that you can have at it again.  There is the opportunity to begin again in each and every moment.   You can always have yet another go at it!

So whatever your intentions, resolutions, desires and ideas are for the 2012, know that even slight movements daily towards your goals is movement.  As you’ve heard said. It’s like stearing a ship.  Small changes in the direction of that ship will make that ship end up at a totally different destination.

Dr. Wayne Dyer puts it best.  “Act as though you already have it.”  A powerful book of his that can guide you with intentions is “The Power of Intention”.   I absolutely love the clarity he brings to the simple power of belief.

So to all of you and yours, we wish you all the best for the coming year.  May 2012 be your best year to date and may you achieve all that you truly desire.

Happy New Year!!!




the power of gratitude. thank you 2011! …

Thank you 2011!  For the laughter you brought and the tears that fell.  For the lessons learned and memories to cherish.

The power of gratitude.  What does that mean to you?  Most importantly, what can it do for you?

Along with the many wonderful things this year has brought, you may have had some testing moments.  If you’re not aware of the concept already, gratitude in those moments is more powerful than we could even imagine.  Louise Hay is adamant that even in difficult situations, there is a finer silver lining and even in those moments, something positive lies in wait.

Being in a place of gratitude changes your vibration.  Changing to a higher vibration has the ability to comply with the Universal Law of Attraction.  This simply means that we attract what we think about and the frequency in which we are vibrating.  I believe we would all want more of what we do and not what we don’t.

Leaving 2011, take some quiet time and make a list of all that you are grateful for.  And perhaps, make a list of moments that didn’t top as your favorite.  There is much truth to the saying “Attitude of Gratitude” and the benefits it offers one’s body and spirit.  Put yourself in that place of ultimate gratitude.  Now take a look at your not so favorite moments and see if you can be thankful for even them.  Perhaps there was an unexpected positive outcome that you can be grateful for.

This is an amazing way to look over your past year in a positive light.  Having put yourself in a higher vibration, I guarentee, it will put you in a far happier mindframe moving into 2012.

Click on the link below and take a few moments for yourself.  You’ll be amazed as to how quicly you can change your vibration to a higher level!

“Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.” -Christiane Northrup


Happy Holidays!

Happy Friday and happy travels!  Wherever your Christmas Holidays may take you, we hope you enjoy every last minute.

If you are travelling, allow for plenty of time.  If you are travelling by road there is no doubt going to be a lot of traffic so whatch you speed.  Everyone will get to where they are going eventually.  Taking the ferries, head in early.  There is a good chance you may miss a sailing.  No stress!  Bring a good book or take that time extra time to sit in quiet reflection.  …or sneak in that extra nap you won’t get tomorrow!!

The same goes in any manner in which you travel this weekend.  Take your time and don’t forget to BREATHE!

Enjoy your time with your extended families, some of whom you haven’t seen in some time.  Gifts are fun, but remember the essence of Christmas.  If you have the opportunity to do something of service, head down to your local soup kitchen to lend a helping hand, or perhaps extend one to someone random that your path may cross.  That feeling you won’t soon forget!

And if you chose to spend it in your own company, enjoy it to the fullest.   That quiet time in reflection may be exactly what your spirit wants.  …Sometimes it’s my favorite way to spend what I call “Quality Me Time”!

However you chose to spend this Christmas Holiday Season, may you enjoy each moment and take the time to be present for them all.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Lao Tzu tries to teach us to “Go with the flow”.  All things happen as they are meant to and usually for our higher good.  …maybe Santa had something else in mind!  It will be a great time for you and yours.

…So off you go!  Travel safe, Be Merry and spread some Good Cheer!

From Violet Quartz Wellness, we hope you have the Merriest Christmases of all!

Happy Holidays!!


Group Metitation Reminder @ the studio this evening!

Just a quick reminder about the Winter Solstice Group Meditation this evening at Violet Quartz Wellness.

Arrival with tea is at 6:30 with medition beginning promptly at 7pm.  We will be finishing with a 10 minute sound bath.

The previous experience at the Brackendale Art Gallery was powerful.

Everyone is welcome!


21 Day Meditation Challenge – Day 1

Good day, good day!

It’s the first day of our the 21 Day Meditation provided by the fabulous Chopra Centre in Carlsbad, California.

How was it for you?  Have you taken the opportunity yet today?  I must say, for myself, it was a fond rememberence of a wonderful feeling.  Life is what it is and sometimes our well meaning intentions fall by the way side.  Be it a fitness regime, a new way of eating or in this case, a daily meditation practice.  We start with gusto and then our ‘new way’  loses the wind in it’s sail.  But this is where we can’t be hard on ourselves.  Simply must simply dust ourselves off and get back on that horse!

This is what this is also doing for me.  I incorporated a daily meditation practice into my life this summer after having the good fortune to attend Seduction to Spirit in Whistler hosted by Deepak himself.  After a week intensive, there is no denial about the benefits of a daily meditation practice.  I would have to say it was a transformational experience.  As the months carried on, as dedicated as I tried to be, the time between meditations grew a little longer.  But all is not lost!

When an opportunity like this comes along, you jump on it.  So I have… and I wanted to share it with you.  My hopes are that if you have never had a meditation practice, that this is a nice appetizer to what it offers your spirit.  For those of you who do have a meditation practice, this can be a nice addition to it for the next 3 weeks.

It will address 3 questions in what Deepak calls your Soul Profile.  They are Who Am I? followed by What Do I Want? and finishing with What Is My Dharma (Purpose).   From experience, things really are different at the end of those 3 weeks.

So if you haven’t had the opportunity already today, don’t forget to take the time by the end of your day.  Connect to the Chopra Centre and sign up.  You may do so as well on Facebook.

Sign up here….

We will reconnect tomorrow just to see how you are doing.

Happy Meditating!!
