
I am always surprised by how touched I am by small gestures. Unexpected kindness is one of those little things that makes life beautiful. I am very lucky that I get to share in others experiences through life, and I am hopeful that I can help make a difference in help people achieve happiness. Today I am grateful to all those who have showen me kindness and have given to me. Specifically I would like to thank my brother in law who designed my new web banner as a birthday gift. It has inspired me to keep going and do what I can to bring more kindness into the world.

Energy Balance and its importance in training

When training it is imporatnt to make sure you are eating nough calories and geting enough nutrient to supoort physiological adapation, even if you are trying to loose weight. Here is an exerpt from a postistion statement compiled by: American College of Sports Medicine: Nancy R. Rodriguez (University of Connecticut); American Dietetic Association: Nancy M. DiMarco (Texas Woman’s University); Dietitians of Canada: Susie Langley

Energy balance occurs when energy intake (the sum of energy from foods, fluids, and supplement products) equals energy expenditure (sum of energy expended as basal metabolic rate, the thermic effect of food, the thermic effect of activity, which is the energy expended in planned physical activity, and non-exercise activity thermogenesis).

Energy expenditure for different types of exercise is dependent on the duration, frequency, and intensity of the exercise, the sex of the athlete, and prior nutritional status in addition to heredity, age, body size, and fat free mass. The more energy used in activity, the more calories needed to achieve energy balance.

Inadequate energy intake compromises performance and negates the benefits of training. With limited energy intake, fat and lean tissue will be used for fuel by the body resulting in a loss of lean tissue. The concern here is that loss of strength and endurance, as well as compromised immune, endocrine, and musculoskeletal function can result.



Now that fall is upon us it is time to get back to our routines and schedules. Sometimes it is difficult to get back into the swing of things, especially if we are trying to incorporate new healthy habits into our lives. Motivation plays a big part in whether or not we will be successful in accomplishing and maintaining our goals.

Here are a few strategies to keep yourself motivation and accountable:


  • Write out a motivation list; why do you want to change what you are changing or why are you maintaining. Place the list in a place you look everyday, like you bathroom mirror, every time you look at it you will be reminded of why you are doing what you are doing.
  • Enroll others in your new habit or routine; tell you friend and family your goals, they will help keep you accountable.
  • Seek the help of a professional: they will definitely keep you on task and working towards your goals.
  • Get involved in a challenge; working towards the same goal as another person provides support and adds a competitive edge for those who enjoy healthy competition. For those of you interested the 100 day challenge is starting later this month. For more information please click here.